The Only Story (Julian Barnes)
Texas Jeopardy (James J. Griffin)
The Angel Makers (Tessa Harris)
One Last Breath (Lisa Jackson)
Tempest (Beverly Jenkins)
The Favorite Sister (Jessica Kroll)
Every Dog Has His Day (Jenn McKinlay)
The Last Thing She Ever Did (Gregg Olsen)
Canadian Red (R.W. Stone)
No Justice in Hell (Charles G. West)
The Tuscan Child (Rhys Bowen)
Woman in the Woods (John Connolly)
The Patchwork Bride (Sandra Dallas)
Hunted Wolf: A Western Quartet (T.T. Flynn)
Stay Hidden (Paul Doiron)
The Kiss Quotient (Helen Hoang)
Evil Never Sleeps (William W. Johnstone)
Say You're Sorry (Melinda Leigh)
Murder at Half Moon Gate (Andrea Penrose)
Midnight Blue (Simone Van Der Vlugt)
Adult Non-Fiction
Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now (302.231 Jaron Lanier)
Ageless Brain: Think Faster, Remember More and Stay Sharper (613 Julia VanTine)
Happy Food: Fast, Fresh, Simple Vegan (641.5636 Bettina Campolucci Bordi)
The Briefing: Politics, the Press and the President (973.933 Sean Spicer)
Paperback Romance
To Catch a Texas Star (Linda Broday)
Paperback Fiction
Fogland Point (Doug Brgess)
Blind Kiss: A Novel (Renee Carlino
Gone Viral (J.A. Knight)
Desperate Girls (Laura Griffin)
Blood Highway: A Novel (Gina Wohlsdorf)
The Boy at the Door (Alex Dahl)
Cooper's Charm: A Novel (Lori Foster)